FAQ: Moasure® ONE™ - The World's First Motion Measure Tool
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Which smartphones are compatible with the Moasure ONE?

The Moasure ONE is compatible with the iPhone 5 and newer models, and most Android phones with a 3 inch display or larger. Moasure ONE is compatible with over 1500 different Android smartphone models, and we’ll be adding hundreds more models over the coming months.

Last updated: March 20, 2018 07:10

Do I have to purchase the Moasure app as well as the Moasure ONE?

No, you don’t have to. A second version of the Moasure app, specifically for use with Moasure ONE, will be released into the App Store and Play Store. This app will be free to download.

Last updated: March 20, 2018 07:10

Which measurement units are supported? Does it support imperial and metric measurement units?

Moasure supports both metric and imperial measurement units. Units for length include feet, inches, feet+inches, metres, centimetres and millimetres with resolution to 0.1”, 1/16”, 1cm or 1mm. Units for area include in2, ft2, yd2, cm2, and m2. Units for volume include in3, ft3, yd3, pints, gallons, cm3, and m3 and litres.

Last updated: March 20, 2018 07:10

What is the largest distance I can measure?

Moasure can measure lengths up to 1000 feet (300m). It can measure levels, angles and inclines/slopes over distances up to 100 feet (30m).

Last updated: March 20, 2018 07:10

How accurate is Moasure ONE?

Moasure ONE’s accuracy depends on which measuring mode you’re using and the duration of the measurement. When measuring length, accuracy is typically better than 0.5%. When measuring angles and slopes, accuracy is typically better than 0.5 degree. Please see the technical specifications section in the Campaign tab for more details.

*for measurements where each step is up to 4 seconds in duration.

Last updated: March 20, 2018 07:10

What is limiting Moasure’s accuracy, and could it be more accurate?

Moasure ONE’s accuracy is primarily limited by the accuracy of the motion sensors.

We could make Moasure more accurate, but it would require motion sensors of the type used for aircraft and rocket guidance, which are both far too large and far too expensive for this application - frankly Moasure would cost thousands, if not tens of thousands, of dollars to manufacture!

We are using the highest quality motion sensors currently available that enable us to manufacture Moasure at an affordable cost and a practical size - we believe we’ve hit the sweet-spot for current technology..

There is no doubt that motion sensors will become more accurate at lower cost over time, and gradually motion-measures will become increasingly accurate, in the same way that digital cameras improved over many years before they completely replaced film-based cameras.

We don’t pretend that Moasure ONE can be used for all measurements. One day motion-measures will replace tape measures and spirit levels, but we’re not there yet. We wouldn’t recommend using Moasure when you require accuracy to better than 0.5% - that’s 5mm in a metre or 3/8” in 6 feet. So not when you’re drilling holes to put up shelves for example, nor when you’re measuring to cut a piece of timber for a precision fit. But that still leaves plenty of other measurements when you don’t need that level of accuracy, but do want the convenience and flexibility that Moasure offers.

Last updated: March 20, 2018 07:10

Will my Moasure ONE become more accurate over time?

Moasure ONE’s accuracy is significantly improved by our patented measurement calculation algorithm that we’ve now been developing for more than 15 years. We are continually developing our motion-measurement algorithm, and each time we improve it, we will release an update for Moasure ONE, for as long as the hardware will support it.

So you can expect your Moasure ONE to become more accurate over time, but remember that the primary limitation to it’s accuracy is the accuracy of the motion sensors.

Last updated: March 20, 2018 07:10

Is there anything I can do to improve Moasure’s accuracy?

Yes - there are two things you can do. Firstly, we strongly recommend you watch the video guides showing you how to hold and move Moasure ONE for the best results. Secondly, if you need more accuracy, you can repeat the measurement 2 or more times (up to 5 in total if you wish), and Moasure will calculate the average, which will be more accurate.

Last updated: March 20, 2018 07:10

Why do you use multiple steps for longer measurements?

We recommend ‘breaking down’ a longer measurement into a number of smaller steps, by momentarily holding Moasure ONE against a stationary object every 4-5 seconds during the measurement. This achieves a higher level of accuracy than if the long measurement is carried out in a single step. For more information about Moasure’s accuracy, see: http://www.moasure.com/accuracy-of-measurement.

Last updated: March 20, 2018 07:10

How durable is the Moasure ONE module?

Moasure ONE is designed to withstand being dropped onto bare concrete from 6 feet (2m). There are no moving parts to go wrong in Moasure ONE, and the housing is protected by a rugged rubber over-moulding.

Last updated: March 20, 2018 07:10

Is Moasure ONE waterproof?

Yes, Moasure ONE is sealed to IP65, which means its water-resistant. If you accidentally drop it in a pond, or the bath, it will float, and be just fine. However, we don’t recommend swimming with it, or using it underwater!

Last updated: March 20, 2018 07:10

How well does the Moasure ONE withstand very hot or very cold temperatures?

Moasure ONE is designed to withstand harsh environments, and has an operating temperature range of 14F (-10C) to 122F (50C). It’s storage temperature range is -4F (-20C) to 158F (+70C).

Last updated: March 20, 2018 07:10

How long does the battery last?

The rechargeable lithium polymer battery lasts for more than 500 typical measurements between recharges.

Last updated: March 20, 2018 07:10

How long does it take to recharge, and how often will I need to recharge it?

A full re-charge takes two hours, using the provided micro-USB cable.

All lithium polymer batteries self-discharge very slowly, and the Moasure ONE is no different. You should recharge your Moasure ONE at least every 3 months, to avoid damaging the battery. We recommend you recharge it once a month though, so it’s always sufficiently charged when you come to use it.

Last updated: March 20, 2018 07:10

Will I receive any software updates for the Moasure app or the Moasure ONE?

The Moasure app will receive regular updates, to support new features and fix any bugs that are discovered. The Moasure ONE can also have its firmware updated if necessary, via the Moasure app.

Last updated: March 20, 2018 07:10

What does the shipping fee include?

The shipping fee includes all costs to ship your Moasure ONE from our distribution hub to your address, including packing and insurance. It does NOT include any taxes or import duties incurred when shipping to an address outside the US. You will be responsible for any import duties or import taxes e.g. VAT. We will provide full tracking status for your shipment once it leaves our hub.

Last updated: March 20, 2018 07:10

Do you have a guarantee/warranty?

Each Moasure ONE will be shipped with a 12 month warranty against defective parts and workmanship.

Last updated: March 20, 2018 07:10

Do you have a return policy?

We do not have a return policy for rewards provided as part of this Kickstarter campaign. Please see the Kickstarter guidelines and terms and conditions regarding their return policy.

Last updated: March 20, 2018 07:10

I’m an app developer. Can I get Moasure ONE to interface directly to my app?

We are very happy to work with app developers who would like to integrate support for Moasure ONE in to their own app. Please contact us at [email protected] with details of your app, and how you’d like to use Moasure ONE.

Last updated: March 20, 2018 07:10

Is Moasure patented?

Yes, Moasure is patented. For more details, please refer to the following patents: US7350303, EP1565704, ZL2003800103268.8.

Last updated: March 20, 2018 07:10

Could the Moasure ONE become ‘collectible’ in the future?

It’s not possible to predict the future, but there’s every possibility that it could do. After all, it is the world’s first motion-measure and without a doubt, one day every home will have one. Remember the first calculator, the first iPhone, etc - they’re now collectibles. We can’t think of a better reason for you to buy the ‘TWO pack’ - one to use now, and one to keep wrapped in pristine condition for when that day comes. :) (Alternatively you could always give it to a friend or relative.)

Last updated: March 20, 2018 07:10

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